Sapna Shah

Sapna’s Fine Art practice is driven by formal, spatial and sensual concerns in painting, with a key excitement and fascination of the potential of colour. Sapna enjoys the process of working with a selected colour palette (a warm and cool of each primary, and a white) and exploring the seemingly endless variations of hue, temperature and luminosity of colours which she can create using this. Hand mixing her own oil paints from powdered pigments allows her to explore the intensities and depths of colour in her visually meticulous paintings.

The colours that Sapna mixes may be arrived at through an experimental approach to the mixing process, but can also be a very focused and prescribed mixture for a particular colour/ spectrum of colours which may have been inspired by things from the physical world around her, a memory of an experience, or informed by colours already in her painting.

Sapna likes to have a slow-brewing and fluid approach to image making, where formal relationships that emerge can influence and dictate future pictorial elements. The ambitious scale of her colour led paintings allows for an immersive and almost meditative viewing experience.

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